There are any number of reasons why people fail at their attempts to be successful internet marketers not the least of which are internet marketing optimization factors. These factors are easy to control and take very little time to implement which is probably why so many internet marketers either overlook them or ignore them entirely. When done properly optimization opens the door to long term success and hands free revenue.
Key Factor #1
The title on your page must include your main keyword. This the first place searching engines look when they are trying to determine what your site is really about so it is absolutely critical that your main keyword appear here.
Key Factor #2
The meta keywords has to include your main keyword as well as an additional keywords. Be careful not to duplicate keywords or search engines might look past any work you have done here, ie if your keywords are me, me and you, me and Lee, me and Joe, me and Andy a search engine will detect this duplication and often ignore it. Instead use me, me and you, Lee, Joe, Andy.
Key Factor #3
The body of your page should include one h1 tag and one h2 tag as well as bold and underlined text, search engines love this stuff.
Key Factor #4
The content of your page should include your keywords dispersed throughout in a natural manner. Your keywords should comprise of no more that 4-6% of the total volume of work. The best thing to do is write naturally and then go back and see where your keywords might fit in to your content.
Key Factor #5
Keyword positioning is critical! Search engines read like we do from right to left and they place the greatest importance on what they read first. So your main keyword should always be in the the title and certainly in the first paragraph of anything you write. I would also include it in the very last sentence you write for good measure.
I honestly didn't have a clue about internet marketing optimization factors until a few weeks ago when I found a very special forum that taught me how to stop buying worthless ebooks and how to start making money. That forum was Niche Choppers and it has really changed the way I approach every facet of my marketing efforts. I actually came across this Niche Choppers a while back and really tried to keep it a secret but it's slowly getting out. I won't reveal all of their secrets here but if you'd like more of their secrets then visit for the real dirt.